For you to get out more. That’s why we exist. We design the best clothes and accessories for you to easily get outside - any time of the year. Even if the outdoors is just a stroll around the corner.
It’s sad but true. We spend 90% of ourtime indoor. Our Norwegian mindset tells us that this is wrong and that we should find more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. So, we designed a clothing range to ease your way out the door. To make you feel and look better.
Get our more – it’s an everyday thing
Designed in what The Guardian called “probably the most outdoorsy country on earth”, Norway, we take every day as an invitation to get out and about – if only for a coffee with some friends down the road. For this is the point; getting out can be about trekking in the mountains or setting out for that exotic bird expedition, but equally about strolling your dog, walking the kids to school or popping over to a friend’s house for a bit of gossip. It’s not how big the endeavour, it’s how often you do it.
All our Twentyfour clothes are designed and developed in Norway, and are inspired by the typical Norwegian lifestyle, nature and weather conditions. Twentyfour merges Norwegian tradition with new designs, color combinations and technology. Our clothes are urban outdoor and fit just as well on the mountain as in the city, and are designed to be used anywhere, anytime.
The head office and showroom are located in Kristiansand in Southern Norway. We also have a showroom in Oslo and a nationwide sales force. Twentyfour is available at over 200 sports and online stores all over Norway and is sold via twentyfour.no

Twentyfour er eid av Kristiansand-baserte Norwegian Concept AS, som har designet og utviklet sports- fritidsklær – samt barneklær gjennom merket Gullkorn Design, siden 2006. Norwegian Concept AS har hovedkontor og showroom i Kristiansand, samt et showroom i Oslo. Bedriften er medlemmer av Etisk Handel Norge og RISE.
Historien startet med familien Mykjåland i Kristiansand, og familien er fortsatt sentrale i store deler av virksomheten – blant annet Tom Erik Mykjåland som er daglig leder. Siden oppstarten i 2006 har Norwegian Concept vokst til å bli 38 ansatte som jobber med design, salg, markedsføring, bærekraft, økonomi, innkjøp og lagerhåndtering. Produktene lages i hovedsak i Kina.